Patton Park 3v3 WINTER LEAGUE
3v3 Winter League Details:
The 3v3 game is very popular and beneficial for youth players providing lots of opportunities to touch the ball and make decisions. Our JFC 3v3 Winter League is a great opportunity to play between the Fall and Spring seasons. Open to Boys and Girls, Ages U8 to U12.
Why play 3v3? Playing in this format enables more touches on the ball on a smaller field, whilst encouraging transition in a fun, fast paced environment enabling youngsters to play and use their own thought process.
Each participant will play 2 to 3 games per day. Teams will comprise of 4-6 players and players will rotate each week to maintain overall competitiveness each day of competition.
Patton Park
Open to both Boys and Girls Rec and Competitive Players
U8 (2017) to U12 (2013)
Saturday, December 7th
Saturday December 14th
Saturday, December 21st
Saturday, January 4th
Friday, January 10th
Saturday, January 18th
U8-U10 (2017s, 2016s ,2015s)
9:30am - 10:45pm
U11-U12 (2014s & 2013s)
11:00am - 12:15pm
$100 per player (NO REFUNDS)
All games will be at Patton Park. All fields will have a designated number.
Teams will play two to three 15 minute games each day.
Parents can observe from the sidewalk and fence areas around the field but should not be on or near the fields.
Volunteers - If you would like to see the action from a closer viewpoint, we are always looking for additional volunteers as we would like to have one or two volunteers per field. Please remember, plenty of encouragement will be allowed but no verbal coaching if we can help it. Please send an email if you are interested in volunteering.
Dress in athletic soccer attire - Along with shinguards, as well as either soccer cleats, tennis shoes, or turf shoes.
Bring a soccer ball if you have one. (The more soccer balls we have the better so we can encourage quick re-starts and more playing time.)
The rosters for each date will be sent out to each player ahead of time, so you should know all of the field and team information before you drive, but there will also be a printout of each team and the schedule on a table by the fields so you can check your player’s team and first game location for that day if needed.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
May be kicked in any direction. You cannot score directly from a kick-off (the ball must be 100% over the mid-line to be considered on the offensive half of the field). The kick-off is an indirect kick.
The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline, rather than thrown in. The ball is considered in play when the ball is touched and changes position. This is an indirect kick, and a goal cannot be scored from this kick.
Direct and In-Direct Kicks
All dead-ball kicks (kick-ins, kick-offs, free kicks) are indirect with the exception of corner kicks, handballs, and penalty kicks. Indirect kicks must only change position before the ball will be considered in play. If a free kick is awarded within five yards of the opposing goal box, the ball will be moved back to five yards from the box.
Goal Kicks
May be taken from any point of the end line. All Goal Kicks are indirect kicks.
5-yard rule, goal kicks, and kick-ins opponents must be 5 yards away. The team in possession can ask for the opposing team to retreat 5 yards.
The Box Surrounding the Goal. Players are allowed to run through the box but not whilst touching the ball. A penalty from halfway is the result of a defensive player touching the ball In their own box. If a ball nestles in the box, a goal kick will be awarded.
We will encourage quick kick-ins to promote a faster speed of play.